PNL Held UTBK for Independent-Path Selection of the 2022 State Polytechnic Entrance Test

Lhokseumawe - On Saturday, June 8, 2022, at the PNL UPT ICT Lab, the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) officially administered a computer-based written test (UTBK) for the 2022 State Polytechnic Entrance Independent Path (SMMPN). 

The 399 participants in the exam, which lasted one day, were divided into three sessions by 319 engineering exam takers and 80 non-engineering exam takers.

The UTBK SMMPN 2022 participants were welcomed by PNL Director Rizal Syahyadi through Vice-Director for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Zamzami. This SMMPN is the last-option route for the selection of new student admissions at PNL. Participants in this SMMPN 2022 have various study options to choose from, including applied undergraduate and diploma IIII programs in 6 PNL majors.

The results of the SMPPN exam will be made public on August 8, 2022, via the official website The subsequent health examination will take place from August 8 to August 12, 2022. 

"For information, this year's Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) will be held from August 28 to September 1, 2022, and it will begin on September 5, 2022, for the first lectures of the first odd semester for the 2022–2023 academic year," he stated.

In addition, Zamzami noted that there are now 28 study programs available at PNL, including 1 applied master's program, 14 applied undergraduate study programs, 12 three-diploma study programs, and one two-diploma study program for Fast Track Vocational High School.

After the presentation, Zamzami stated that the implementation of the UTBK today still pays attention to the health protocol. It is hoped that by implementing this UTBK, PNL will attract prospective students who have both academic and non-academic potential. In order for them to later pass the UTBK.

The success of today's UTBK exam participants, I underline, is solely based on the abilities of the examinees themselves. There are no unlawful test-takers or other irregularities in the operation of this UTBK.