Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe will be recognized as a Mandiri [Independent] and Unggul [Superior] Vocational Higher Education Institution on a Global Scale
Organizing vocational education on a self-contained basis by enhancing soft skills.
Develop innovative technology-focused research and community service.
Pay attention to local wisdom to actively respond to global issues to increase institutional capacity and access services.
To create professional graduates in the field of national and international vocational standards of competence.
To create globally competitive graduates who are committed to Allah SWT.
To establish a national and international certification program by being a center for vocational competency development.
To improve society's quality of life by producing applied research and technology implementation.
To become a service center for quality and efficient stakeholders.
Obtaining the highest (superior) accreditation ratings from both national and international organizations
Increasing the international competitiveness of graduates
Graduates with competency certification are recognized on a national and international level.
Increased dissemination of science, technology, and applied research in response to stakeholders' needs
Stakeholder service center available in the direction of an independent Polytechnic.