Workshop on Internalization of Conflict of Interest Handling in Building the Integrity of Polytechnic Employees


On Thursday (11/11/2021), the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) held a Workshop on Internalization of Handling Conflicts of Interest in the Hall Building on the third floor of the PNL in order to carry out the construction of the Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (ZI-WBK).

In his opening remarks, Vice Director for General and Finance Affairs stated that the goal of this workshop is to provide every employee with a complete uniform understanding of the meaning and types of conflicts of interest that can arise in the workplace, as well as how to handle them, so that employees have commitment and integrity in carrying out their daily functions and duties.

"This conflict of interest frequently arises as a result of employee entrustments; for example, during the selection of new student admissions, many people leave their children or nephews in the PNL, and we are unable to remove participants for the sake of these people," Nanang concluded.

Inspector Aka Syahputra, SE. Ak, CA, from the Aceh Besar Inspectorate served as the event's resource person. Participants included representatives from each Department and Work Unit at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, as well as lecturers and education personnel. Mr. Muhammad Arhami, S. Si., M. Kom, the Head of the Computer Information Technology (ICT) Department and Deputy Chair of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic's ZI-WBK Team, is serving as moderator.

Inspector Aka stated in his presentation that conflicts of interest have an impact on public policies, as well as a loss of trust in government institutions and officials. He went on to explain how conflict of interest can arise in a variety of ways, including receiving gratuities while working in multiple work units and agencies. Participants will also learn about conflict of interest procedures and the key to successful conflict resolution in the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic Environment, which includes leadership commitment, tiered internal supervisory roles, public participation in supervision, and consistent law enforcement.

This workshop is part of a series of activities organized by the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic after the previous day's Job Analysis Workshop, the Training Need Analysis Preparation Workshop, and the Wishtle Blowing System Socialization on the same day's morning session. It is hoped that by participating in this activity, a clean, accountable, and high-performing bureaucracy will be created, as well as high-quality public services, so that all employees at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic have the same perception of bribery and corruption.