USK Supports PNL to Establish Engineer Professional Education Study Program

Banda Aceh – Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) is ready to support the Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe (PNL) to establish the Engineer Professional Education Study Program (PSPPI) at the vocational campus located in Buketrata Lhokseumawe.

This commitment was marked by the signing of a cooperation document or MoU between USK Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan with the Director of PNL Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, S.T., M.Eng. Sc in the USK Rector’s Mini Room in Banda Aceh (27/09/2022) yesterday.

The event was also attended by Vice Director III of PNL Ir. Sariyusda, MT and Coordinator of Public Relations and Cooperation Ir. Muhammad Hatta, SST. MT. Meanwhile, from the USK side, the Vice Rector IV of USK, Dr. Ir. Taufiq Saidi, M. Eng, Coordinator of Public Relations Ferizal, SE and Coordinator of the Cooperation Section Iskandar, ST, and the Management of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Aceh.

During the meeting, Didi, as Rizal Syahyadi is affectionately known, stated that the establishment of the PSPPI was critical not only for developing PNL institutions but also for encouraging the improvement of engineers' competence, particularly in Aceh today.

One of the requirements for establishing PSPPI is a collaboration with USK.


"We want USK to be a partner university because the conditions must be excellent universities [High Distinction based on BAN-PT Accreditation]." So today's Memorandum of Understanding is a form of legal standing," he explained.


In addition to supporting the formation of the PSPPI, in this meeting, Didi also asked USK for support for the implementation of the doctoral education program (S3). "Because currently there are some lecturers at PNL who want and are currently increasing their academic level of education," said Didi.


Furthermore, the Rector of USK stated that his party enthusiastically welcomed this collaboration agreement. "Because the commitment to support PNL's professional education program is a form of USK's responsibility as an Aceh university," Marwan explained.


According to the USK Rector, the Central Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) was already aware of the cooperation agreement, so the proposal for the formation of the PSPPI could be pursued immediately.

"Of course, USK fully supports efforts to improve the quality of education at all Aceh universities." Such collaboration is critical in assisting the realization of quality Aceh human resources," concluded the USK Rector.