East Aceh Unggul State High School Visit the JTE-PNL Robotics System Laboratory


Lhokseumawe – Head of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (JTE-PNL) Yassir, ST., M. Eng, accompanied by the Head of the PNL Robotics Supervisor Salahuddin, SST. MT and the PNL Robotics supervisor lecturer hosted the East Aceh Unggul State High School Robotics Club in his office on Thursday (23/2/2023).


The Study Tour activity for SMA Negeri Unggul Aceh Timur was led by the robotics club supervisor Puteri Ayu Ismiati, S.Pd, M.Pd Gr, who brought eleven students from the robotics club in grades ten and eleven together with three supervising teachers.

In his speech, Yassir expressed gratitude for visiting the PNL Electrical Engineering Department.

"East Aceh Unggul State High School student's attendance at PNL to study robots is exceptionally appropriate because there are student activities focused on robots, such as the Robotics Systems Laboratory, he stated.

Since 2004, the PNL Robotics Team has consistently competed in regional and national competitions. The PNL Robotics Team is a team that is regarded as having national and regional scale competencies and frequently triumphs in various competitions, such as in 2019 when it became the first winner of the KRI KRAI division at the regional level in Sumatra. And rose to eighth place nationally, "he continued.

Yassir also stated that the PNL electrical engineering department would begin accepting new student registrations for the Mechatronics Engineering Technology Study Program in 2023.


"This is an applied undergraduate study program that has recently been established at PNL to address the problems of the need for expertise in robotics and system control," Yassir concluded.


Puteri Ayu Ismiati, the Unggul Aceh Timur State High School robotics club supervisor, expressed her pleasure and appreciation for the PNL words on this occasion.


"We are very grateful to the PNL Robotics Team, who have been willing to accept our visit to see and study the process of making robots; we did not expect that at PNL there would be available facilities and various types of robots which were the work of robotics students and lecturers," he said


"We hope this activity can run smoothly and motivate East Aceh Unggul State High School students to be more creative and excel in robotics technology," said PuteriAyu Ismiati.