PNL Held the 6th National Seminar

Lhokseumawe - The 6th National Seminar on the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) with the theme “Link and Match Academics, Industrial Practitioners, and Professional Engineers for Vocational Education Competency Improvement” was successfully held.

On November 9 and 10, 2022, this event occurred in the Main Building's Hall III Floor. In his speech for the committee report, Committee Chair Farida, ST., M.Sc., thanked the committee members and leaders for making the event happen.

The lecturer from the Chemical Engineering Department, who goes by Ida, said, "Thank you to the leadership for providing extraordinary support, as well as to the committee members.

"The 6th PNL Semnas participants totaled 150 participants, consisting of 98 presenters and 52 non-speakers," continued the lecturer, who graduated with a master's degree from a university in the Netherlands.

Meanwhile, in his remarks at the opening of the 6th PNL National Semester activity on Wednesday (09/11/2022), the Director of PNL, Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST., M.Eng. Sc in front of the participants and guests, explained the reasons for his party to raise this theme in the 6th Semnas.

"Why are we bringing up this theme? In the era of Pak Jokowi in the second period, the emphasis was on improving the quality of human resources," said the man who is usually called Didi.

"So that in early 2020 the Director General of Vocational Studies was born, which consists of AKN, Polytechnic, Vocational Academy School," he continued

According to Didi, there has been a change in mindset from the government, and this has affected many regulations that have changed.

"Like it or not, PNL graduates must be ready to compete for side by side. We have provided our PNL graduates with a vocational certificate from LSP for the past six years," he explained.

According to Didi, today follows the trend with the engineering profession program. Also, because, of course, higher education in Indonesia is divided into two, namely vocational and academic.

"Today, the collaboration between academics and practitioners can raise the dignity of education in Aceh. Hopefully, this Semnas event can be useful," concluded the lecturer from the Department of Civil Engineering who graduated from a university in Malaysia.


The information submitted by the committee to the media stated that the main speaker at the event was Prof. Dr. Irm Samsul Rizal, M.Eng. ASEAN IPU. Eng, a former Chancellor of USK 2012-2022, Chair of ICMI Chapter Aceh, and Chair of PII Aceh.

In his presentation, Samsul Rizal, with the title Building Engineer Professionalism, said that he was the first alumni of Engineers at Syiah Kuala University.

"I am the first alumni to receive an Engineer degree at Syiah Kuala University. My name is 001," said Samsul Rizal.

Samsul Rizal said Engineers came from the Netherlands. He also promised to open an Engineer Professional Program at PNL soon.

"God willing, in 2023, we will be able to open a professional engineer program at PNL, and soon we will sign an MoU with PII Aceh," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Main Speaker II, Prof. Agus Setyo Muntahar, Ph.D. member of the Executive Board of BAN-PT, discussed quality assurance for vocational higher education.

It was stated that increasing human resources is essential in sustaining a country as an asset capital.

"So human resources are an asset. Our weakness is that Indonesia is not yet advanced because the human resources pillar is still underdeveloped. For this reason, university graduates must be able to answer the challenges of the times to answer industry needs. So there must be synergy between universities and industry," he said.

Agus Setyo Muntahar also responded regarding the MoU signed between PNL and BPMA on the sidelines of the PNL's 6th Semnas.

"Earlier, I saw that there was an MoU, I think MoU is MoU, but the most important thing is the activity, its implementation. So that it becomes more useful. Because the concept of education must have direction, especially vocational education," he concluded.

Furthermore, Main Speaker III Teuku Muhammad Faisal, ST., MM, the Head of the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA), presented the material about the Dynamics of the Oil and Gas World in the last ten years.

According to this PNL alumni, there are many career opportunities for students in the oil and gas industry. "Nevertheless, we have to focus," he said.


"For students, we must be prepared for all changes. The pandemic is over, and job opportunities for alums are still open. We have to think about changing our mindset. That our oil and gas industry is not finished yet," he concluded.

Vice Director III PNL Sariyusda, ST., MT, when closing the 6th PNL Semnas activity, said that the activity was a success.

"Alhamdulillah, this activity was a success. Because we also invited outsiders. We from the management continue to support everyone. We consider this activity to be the most successful. Hopefully, it can be held again next year," said Yusda, as he is usually called.

The activity, which was guided by the PNL Public Relations Coordinator Muhammad Hatta, S.ST., MT, was also attended by Muspika plus elements from the Lhokseumawe Municipal Government and the North Aceh Regency Government. Also, at the closing, the award was given by the committee to the best presenter or the best presenter.[]