Implementation of the MoU and MoA, Students of SMKN 1 Indra Makmu of East Aceh Visited the JTK-PNL Laboratory

Lhokseumawe - In the context of implementing the MoU and MoA between the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) and State Vocational High School 1 (SMKN 1) of Indra Makmu, East Aceh, many students at SMKN Indra Makmu East Aceh visited the Laboratory of the Chemical Engineering Department (JTK) PNL.



The visit, carried out on Monday (21/11/2022), was led directly by the Head of SMKN 1 Indra Makmu Syahrial Fuadi, S.Pd, the students who attended were the final class of the Oil and Gas Study Program at SMKN 1 Indra Makmu, totaling 11 people.



"This activity is an implementation of the MOU and MOA between the Department of Chemical Engineering and SMKN 1 Indra Makmu," said Syahrial Fuadi.


"This is a precious activity for students because so far we have limited equipment, so with this visit to the laboratory at PNL, students can feel the practicum atmosphere and factory approach owned by the Chemical Engineering Department facilities," he continued.


The Head of the JTK-PNL Laboratory, Ir Harunsyah, M.Eng. sc., welcomed the visit of the students of SMKN 1 Indra Makmu. 



"JTK-PNL warmly welcomed the visit while maintaining cooperation," said Harunsyah in his speech


Harun, as he is usually called, also explained that the laboratories in PNL have the function of increasing student competency.


"All laboratories at PNL function to improve student competence," said Harun.


Information on Alfian Putra, ST., M.Agric, who is a JTK-PNL lecturer, the visit is still ongoing.


"This visit is still ongoing," explained Alfian, who graduated with a master's degree in Japan.