PNL Lecturer Becomes Speaker of the Socialization of the Independent Curriculum for the SMK-PK Program at SMKN 1 Al-Mubarkeya of Aceh Besar

Aceh Besar - At the Center of Excellence Vocational High School Program (SMK-PK) held at SMK Negeri 1 Al-Mubarkeya, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency on Friday, (05/09/2022), Azwar Yunus, a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (JTM-PNL), spoke about the implementation of the Independent Curriculum.

Azwar stated that the curriculum is a procedure for achieving goals rather than a goal during the presentation of the information. So, we must pay attention to the procedure.

"To prevent issues with our educational system, it is crucial that we teach students social, academic, and soft skills. Due to these fundamental issues, the Independent Curriculum was created "explained the North Aceh native who obtained his Master of Engineering degree from the Delft University of Technology Campus in the Netherlands.

SMKN 1 SMK Negeri 1 Al-Mubarkeya Sukmanil Fuadi, the school's principal, stated in his address that this activity is a collection of activities from the SMK-PK Program, drawn from a variety of activities.

“Let's support one another so that these SMK-PK activities would be helpful,” Sukmanil said, "We hope that they will be valuable for all of us."

This activity is a continuation of the SMK-PK program from the previous year, according to M. AkbariAR, the SMK-PK program supervisor at SMKN Al-Mubarkeya.

Given that this is a continuation, Akbari said, "Hopefully there won't be any issues because we already know each other's responsibilities.

"Hopefully, what the presenters will transmit today will be valuable for all of us," he concluded.

Teachers from SMK Negeri Al-Mubarkeya took part in the exercise. The Vocational High School Companion from PNL Syarwan, ST., MT who is a lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic ((JTS-PNL) was also present at the ceremony