PNL and PT Solusi Bangun Andalas Signed MoU

Banda Aceh - After being initiated and long awaited, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) and PT Solusi Bangun Andalas (SBA) have finally agreed to establish cooperation in the areas of research by students and lecturers, laboratory accreditation, collaborative seminars, collaboration in teaching and learning activities, fieldwork practices, and student internships.

This agreement was formalized by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Banda Aceh on Tuesday, April 10, 2022, between SBA President Director Soni Asrul Sani and Director of PNL Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST. M.Eng.Sc.

In his speech, Rizal Syahyadi thanked the SBA for making it possible for the collaboration that had been long anticipated to take place.


To jointly strengthen the field of vocational education, he said, "we hope to continue to synergize and collaborate with SBA in carrying out various agreed programs through this collaboration."


The man who goes by the name Didi continued by stating that this agreement's scope encompasses education, research and development pertaining to the science and technology sector, the creation of strategic policy recommendations for the Strategic Plan, accreditation, the launch of new study programs, and more. Additionally to engineering and humanities research, development, innovation, and technology.


Mochamad Anwar Bakti, the general manager of PT Solusi Bangun Andalas (SBA), stated that the company remains dedicated to helping to advance the field of education because, in addition to being a fundamental human right, education is also crucial for producing highly skilled labor that can advance the area.


The SBA Management team also included Tafaul Rijal, GA & Comrel Manager; Zulfan Husni, HR Manager; Amrullah Nurdin, IT Manager; Adi Handarbeni, Safety Officer; and Firman Tarigan.


Meanwhile, from PNL management, Ir. Sariyusda, MT Vice Director for Planning, Cooperation and Information Systems, Ir. Muhammad Hatta, S.ST.,MT Coordinator of Public Relations and Cooperation, Syukri, ST.,MT Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Saifuddin Head of Chemical Engineering Department, Hamdani, S.ST.,MT Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Yassir, S.ST.,M.T Head of Electrical Engineering Department, Zulkarnaini, SE., MSi.Ak. CA Head of the Department of Commerce, and M. Arhami, ST, M.T Head of the Department of ICT.