PNL and Kemenkumham Aceh Province Sign MoU and MoA

Lhokseumawe - Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) and Aceh Province's Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) agreed to collaborate in a variety of areas with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the two vertical institutions in Central Aceh on Monday (05/09/2022).

This information was provided by PNL Director Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST., M.Eng.Sc via PNL vice Director for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems Ir. Sariyusda, MT.


"The signing of the MoU took place between the PNL MoU and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Aceh Province, which I represented, and was followed by the signing of the MoA between P3M PNL and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Aceh Province, which was represented by Dr. Nelly Safitri," said Yusda...


"The signing of the MoU and MoA also coincided with activities organized by the Central Aceh District Government under the title Promotion and Dissemination of Communal Intellectual Property," Yusda added.


This event was also attended by Meurah Budiman, SH, MH, the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Aceh Province, who stated that it is critical to record and register whatever our work is.


" It is critical that we register our intellectual property rights, regardless of whether they are related to culture, art, machines, tools, or anything else," said Meurah Budiman.