PNL Students Distribute Aid for Flood Victims in North Aceh


On Saturday (06/01/2022), students from Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) who are members of KBMPNL (Large Family of Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic Students) and Koramil 015 Matang Kuli deliver staple food assistance to flood victims in North Aceh Regency.

In a statement, Ichlasul Amal, the flood fundraising coordinator, said that basic food assistance was delivered to ten flood-affected communities in the Matang Kuli sub-district.

“The relief supplied consisted of 10 sacks of rice, 20 boxes of instant noodles with 40 packs, 20 egg boards, and three boxes of ATB bread,” Ichlasul Amal added.

“Hopefully, the food assistance will help individuals who have been affected by the disaster. Apart from that, it is a manifestation of student concern for the ongoing natural disaster,” he explained.

Tanjung Teungku Ali Village, Parang Sikureng Village, Alue Entok Village, Tumpok Barat Village, Meuria Matang Kuli Village, Alue Tho Village, Ceubrek Pirak Village, Pante Village Pirak, Hagu Village, and Leubok Pirak Village were among the ten villages affected, according to Umar Hendra Saputra, the Field Coordinator.

"Hopefully, families who were forced to evacuate due to flooding will be able to use this help, and we hope that this tragedy will be over soon so that people may return to their homes," Umar Hendra Saputra concluded.