Great! Teuku Rihayat, the Very-First Professor at PNL

Lhokseumawe - Teuku Rihayat was awarded the title of Professor after a complex process of fulfilling the terms and conditions stipulated by law.

The man born on July 10, 1969, in Medan, North Sumatra, received a copy of the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Mendikbud Ristek RI) Number 65201/MPK.A /KP.07.01/2022 concerning Lecturer Academic/Functional Position Promotion.

Whereas, according to the letter signed by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Anwar Makarim on October 20, 2022, Teuku Rihayat has the legal title of Professor or Professor in Materials Science as of October 1, 2022, with a credit score of 922, and he has the right to add an academic degree to his name to become Prof. Dr. Teuku Rihayat, ST., MT.

Teuku Rihayat's achievement is certainly encouraging news for the academic community of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL), as Teuku Rihayat became the first PNL lecturer to receive the highest degree.

PNL's Director, Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST., M.Eng.Sc congratulates Teuku Rihayat, as well as Didi, as PNL's Director is commonly known, and hopes that this achievement will serve as motivation and inspiration for other PNL lecturers.

"Congratulations to Prof. Rihayat; hopefully, it will be a motivation and trigger for the birth of new professors from PNL," he said separately on Sunday (10/30/2022).

The man who is often called Didi, also emphasized that in principle, the leadership element continues to support a person's career in PNL, especially in academic matters. If there are sufficient requirements and assessments, it is encouraged to immediately propose a functional position, especially to become a Professor.

"The point is that our leadership does not hinder it, especially in academic matters, instead encouraging every lecturer who already has the capacity and sufficient requirements to immediately take care of academic positions, especially for the Professor's academic position," explained Didi.

"Once again, congratulations to Prof. Rihayat; hopefully, his knowledge will be useful for PNL and society's development," he added.

Meanwhile, Teuku Rihayat expressed his gratitude to all parties, as well as PNL leadership, particularly the director, in a statement to the media.

"Thank you for all of your support and prayers for all academics and PNL leadership, especially the Director of PNL, the deputy directors, ladies and gentlemen who helped a lot in managing this position, colleagues, and ladies and gentlemen who helped a lot in managing this position, so that I can get the title. This instructor, "said a PNL Chemical Engineering Department lecturer.

Furthermore, Teuku Rihayat also hopes his colleagues at PNL can immediately follow in his footsteps to become Professors so that the name of PNL as a vocational campus can be increasingly known.

"Hopefully, other lecturers at PNL can be motivated by this achievement so that the name of PNL as a leading vocational campus in Aceh is increasingly known," concluded Rihayat.