PNL Takes 1st Rank in the Largest PNBP Realization in 2021: DJKN Awards Aceh 2021

On Tuesday (25/01/2022), the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) received a special honor at the DJKN Aceh Awards ceremony, which was held by the Regional Office of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) Aceh.

PNL placed first as the Work Unit (Satker) with the Largest PNBP 2021 Realization from DJKN Aceh via the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) of Lhokseumawe in this event.

The award was given because PNL was successful in realizing the 2021 Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) budget exceeding the government's target, according to Director of PNL Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST. M.Eng.Sc, Vice Director III Ir. Sariyusda, MT, and Coordinator of Public Relations and Cooperation, Ir Muhammad Hatta, SST, MT. 

Furthermore, PNL received a special award in recognition of the campus' extraordinary support and attention in completing the budget derived from PNBP.

“Thank you to the PNL Academic Community's large family for working together and hard so that PNL was granted the Satker with the First Largest PNBP Realization in 2021 today,” he said.

Didi, as he is known, also conveyed his gratitude and admiration to DJKN Aceh and KPKNL Lhokseumawe for this prestigious honor. Hopefully, asset management partnerships can continue to be fostered in the direction of a developed Indonesia.

“We also express our gratitude to PNL Stakeholders and Partners who have prayed for and supported PNL throughout this process,” he said.