To Prepare Roadmap for Applied Undergraduate Study Programs, JTM PNL Held FGD

Lhokseumawe – The Department of Mechanical Engineering (JTM) at Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) once again hosted a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on the Roadmap for the Applied Undergraduate Study Program.

The goal of the FGD, which took place on September 22, 2022, at the Diana Hotel in Lhokseumawe, was to establish the direction and policy for the Applied Bachelor of Mechanical Maintenance Engineering Technology study program for the ensuing 15 years. The three diploma study program has been upgraded to this study program.

The FGD was attended by Vice Director I (Wadir) for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Ir. Zamzami, ST, M.Eng., Ipan Suandi, ST, M.Eng, the Heads of Study Programs at JTM, and the lecturer staff.

A speaker for the FGD, which took place both online and in person, was Budi Santoso, MT, from Diksi. Wadir I PNL Zamzami expressed his hope at the start of the activity that the implementation of this FGD would result in a roadmap for academic programs.

"Better study program roadmap will be produced with the implementation of this FGD, of course, with discussions with the team and guidance from the presenters," hoped Zamzami.

At the opening session, Dr. Samsul Bahri, ST, M.Si, the organizing committee's chairman, expressed his hope that the FGD would proceed without incident and produce the anticipated activity outputs.

"We hope that this FGD activity can run smoothly and produce output as expected," said this JTM senior lecturer