The Director of PNL conveyed several significant points while serving as a resource person for PPN/Bappenas

Banda Aceh - Director of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST., M.Eng.Sc, when invited to be one of the speakers at the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) of the Republic of Indonesia, conveyed the importance of improving the quality of lecturers and the competitiveness of Vocational Higher Education.

The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Improving the Quality of Lecturers and Competitiveness of Higher Education" was held in the Meeting Room of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) on Tuesday (27/09/2022) yesterday, and Rizal “Didi” Syahyadi as Director of PNL, welcomed participants when he was present as a resource.


Didi stated, "PNL currently has 303 lecturers and 164 staff, and in order to increase competitiveness, especially for educators, PNL continues to improve the quality of research and service under P3M, in addition to teaching, which is the main task of lecturers in the Tri Dharma [three pillars] of Higher Education.

Didi also noted that there is currently a Professional Certification Institute within PNL (LSP). Furthermore, keep working to make partner cooperation better.

According to Didi, PNL currently has 410 cooperation partners and supports 5 SMK Centers of Excellence in Aceh. "We at PNL have LSP 116 assessors with 34 schemes," he added.

Didi added that the PNL currently has 4,000 students, many of whom have achieved notable success on the national level. Graduates from PNL have been hired by various businesses thanks to CDC recruitment efforts.

Didi added that several PNL students participated in grants and internships on the national and international levels.

"Meanwhile, to improve the quality of lecturers, currently we have also made various efforts in that direction, such as degree and non-degree education, doctoral education, increased grant funds, and others," he concluded.


The FGD activity was opened by the Director of Higher Education and Science and Technology Tatang Muttaqin, S.Sos., M.Ed., Ph.D. Meanwhile, the participants in the event were USK, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universitas Samudera, Universitas Teuku Umar, Institute Seni Budaya Indonesia, Politeknik Aceh, and PNL.