Alhamdulillah, BAN-PT accredited PNL with a 'Distinction': Director

Lhokseumawe - Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) managed to get a ‘distinction’ accreditation rating (Second class -upper division) from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). This information was conveyed by the Director of PNL Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST., M.Eng.Sc in this media Thursday, (15/09/2022).

"Alhamdulillah, PNL received a Distinction Accreditation rating from BAN-PT. Thank you to everyone involved, including the PNL Accreditation Form Team and the entire academic community, " said Didi, as he is commonly known.

According to Didi, the certainty of obtaining a Distinction Accreditation rating for PNL is based on the Decision of the Executive Board of BAN-PT Number 865 /SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/PT/IX/2022.

"According to the decree, PNL meets the requirements for a Distinction Accreditation rating," Didi, the chairman of the Lhokseumawe Indonesian Engineers Association, explained (PII).

Didi went on to say that the Higher Education Accreditation Certificate issued yesterday in Jakarta and signed by Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Ph.D., Director of the Executive Board of BAN-PT, is valid from September 14, 2022, until December 28, 2026.

"This Accreditation Certificate is valid for four years, which is as stated in the certificate we received, starting from September 14, 2022, to December 28, 2026," concluded Didi