53 Blood Bags Collected at PNL

The Lhokseumawe Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic (PNL) recently collected 53 blood bags from donors including faculty, staff, and students at PNL.


This event took place over two days—February 27 and 28—in the Buketrata, Lhokseumawe, foyer of the PNL Main Building.


The humanitarian event at the vocational campus was successful; PNL Director Ir. Rizal Syahyadi, ST.,M.Eng. Sc said on Tuesday (28/02/2023), according to Vice Director III for Planning, Collaboration and Information Systems Ir. Sariyusda, MT. The man with the glasses grinned and thanked him for this.


"Alhamdulillah, the humanitarian activities which have lasted for two days have been successfully carried out. There were 53 bags of blood collected yesterday, 39 bags, and 14 bags today. Thank you to all parties, PMI Lhokseumawe and the donors who are PNL academics," said Yusda, as he is usually called.


Yusda added that donating blood is very useful for yourself and others. For this reason, he hopes that more blood bags will be collected if similar activities are carried out again within the PNL.


"From several references I have read, donating blood is good for health, but it is also very beneficial for humanity. I hope that if this activity is held again, many will want to donate their blood," hoped Yusda.


"This is the first time I have donated my blood, Alhamdulillah. I am also the last donor of the activities at the PNL," he continued.


According to Yusda, actually, in the PNL environment, there are many regular donors. However, maybe when the activities were carried out, they had not yet come to donate.


"Actually, in the PNL environment, there are many regular donors, but because the time to donate has not yet arrived, their blood cannot be drawn. Because of the information provided by UTD, that blood donation can be made once every two months," explained Yusda.


"This will be a routine agenda for PNL and PMI. Moreover, we are also planning cooperation with PMI. Currently, we are working on a draft of the MoU. Hopefully it can be signed by both parties soon," concluded Yusda